The Types of Damages Considered By Wellington Injury Attorney
Ideally, according to personal injury law, there are two types of damages that a Wellington Injury Attorney will consider: one is the economic damages, and the other is the non-economic damages. When these two are included in your claim amount, it is supposed to be fair and maximum. However, this is not an easy task. It needs a lot of expertise and years of practice to consider the types of elements to include under each head. It also needs specific calculators to estimate the non-economic damages. In addition to that, it also requires a lot of proofs and arguments to substantiate the claim.
The economic damages
Just as the head suggests, the elements included under this head involves the monetary expenses that you have incurred due to the injuries. It primarily consists of the cost of medical treatments you have paid. It includes the cost of medicines, surgery, hospitalization, doctor's fees, orthopedic instruments, physiotherapy and even the gas bills and car rental for visits made to the doctor's clinic. In case of severe injuries, the Wellington Injury Attorney will also consider the cost of your continual as well as future treatments and include it with the amount. Other monetary losses, such as lost wages and income opportunities, also fall under this head.
The non-economic damages
These are the losses that you incur and are primarily related to your emotions, pain, sufferings and other psychological factors. These involve the time you could have to spend with your kids while playing or visit their school event or the social event that you have missed due to your confinement to bed for your injuries. The Wellington Injury Lawyer will also consider the loss of consortium and even your relation with your spouse that may have been affected due to the injuries. This is the loss that involves time and feeling for no fault of yours.
Calculation of non-economic damages
It is hard, if not impossible, to put a dollar value to anyone's feeling, emotions and lost time. However, the Wellington Injury Lawyer will follow a specific process to estimate such losses. They will first calculate the economic losses that you have incurred due to your injuries. Once done, they will multiply the expected amount with specific multipliers ranging from 1.5 to 5. However, the multiplier will be determined based on the type of injuries, accident and its effect on your daily life.
The proofs required
A lot of evidence and documents are needed to substantiate a claim amount. These proofs and documents must come from reliable sources which may vary according to the type of the accident. For example, for any car or road accident, the police investigation report is required, and for a medical malpractice case, an expert witness may be required. However, for all types of injury claim cases, statements of the witnesses and most importantly, the doctor's report plays a significant role. This relates the injury to the accident and proves that the injury is not a relapse of some injuries existing before the accident. For more information visit Our Website